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Physical Health and Mental Health Wellness are Connected
While it is common to think of physical health and mental health as separate, they are very much connected, although the connection has...

National Adoption Month 2024
National Adoption Month is an initiative of the Children's Bureau that seeks to increase national awareness of adoption issues, bring...

5 Tips for a Smooth Transition and Start to the New School Year for the Whole Family
Transitions are hard; there is no denying that, but they don't have to be miserable. Once the school year ends, routines and structure...

What To Do With All That Anger!
“I hate you!”, “I don’t have to listen to you!”, “Go to hell!”, “You’re not my mother/father!”, all of these may be common phrases for...

Ambiguous Loss Haunts Foster and Adopted Children
Ambiguous loss—a feeling of grief or distress combined with confusion about the lost person or relationship—is a normal aspect of...

The Teen Years: Brain Development and Trauma Recovery
Teens who have experienced adoption or foster care have faced a lot of change: healing from trauma, coping with major life transitions,...

Helping Kids Survive and Thrive in Winter
Change is always met with resistance. If winters are hard for you and your family, you’re not alone. Understanding, creativity, and...

National Adoption Month 2023
National Adoption Month is an initiative of the Children's Bureau that seeks to increase national awareness of adoption issues, bring...

Cultivating Mindfulness Strategies To Deal With Day-To-Day Stressors
Stress, apprehension, anxiety, and fear are familiar feelings for many of us involved in foster care and adoption. And our stress affects...

National Adoption Month 2022
November is National Adoption Month! Read more about the history of National Adoption Day through this article by the Dave Thomas...

Talking to Your Teen About Being Adopted
Between the ages of seven and twelve, many adopted children develop an increasing curiosity about their background and how they came to...

Facilitated Openness Can Benefit Children Adopted From Care
Helping a foster or adopted child stay in contact with members of his or her birth family can be time-consuming and sometimes emotionally...

Changing Our Approach When Our Children Can’t Change
What have I learned about parenting a child with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) over the past 22 years? I have learned that it...

Attachment-Informed De-Escalation Techniques
Parenting children who have experienced trauma and who have had attachment interruptions drives families to embrace new, creative...

Responding to Stealing by Lowering Anxiety
When we are parenting children with a history of trauma or—even more commonly—those with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), stealing...

Being Anti-Racist: A Critical Way to Support Children of Color in Foster Care and Adoption
Transracial parents, service providers, educators, and others must lean into their personal discomfort and learn to have conversations...

November is National Adoption Month
For over two decades, National Adoption Month has been promoted and celebrated every November in communities across the country. Many...

The Personal is Political: Racial Identity and Racial Justice in Transracial Adoption
Implementing racial and ethnic socialization with your transracially adopted children helps strengthen trust and attachment by showing...

Resources to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence a
Most Black children in the United States encounter racism in their daily lives. Ongoing individual and collective psychological or...

Parenting Children Who Have Experienced Loss and Grief While Navigating Coronavirus
For children who have experienced separations, loss and trauma, the impact of this pandemic may include any or all emotions that everyone...
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